2. Selecting the group No.
(1) Call the Group No.
• Call the group No. in which the interlocked unit is to be registered.
Use the same operations as section 7-1-1. (1) Select the group.
• Select the group with the GROUP and switches.
(2) When the group is selected, the corresponding group No. will appear at the group No. display
(3) After the group is selected, if there are registered units, the registered unit with the smallest
address No. will appear.
Set temperature display section ... Address No.
Group No. display section ... Address No. attributes
Displayed details
Example) When group 1 is not registered, and the address 003 indoor unit is registered in group 2.
Pattern No. display section: "--" is displayed.
Interlocked Unit Setting Screen (group 1)
Interlocked Unit Setting Screen (group 2)
Operation No. display section:
A unit is not registered in group 1, so "---" is displayed.
Press switch once.
3. Calling the registration unit
Call the address No. of the indoor unit to be interlocked with a registered interlocked unit by
pressing the
4. Selecting the interlocked unit's address No.
Set the address No. of the interlocked unit to be registered with the indoor unit selected in step 3.
• After selecting the indoor unit with step 3, press the TIME switch.
• The address No. of the interlocked unit will change in the following order each time the switch is
pressed. (The numbers will change in 10-unit increments when the switch is held down.)
01 02 50
• The address numbers will appear in reverse order when the
switch is pressed.
Pattern No. display section:
The attributes will disappear when the switches is pressed.
Operation No. display section:
Set to the address No. of the interlocked unit to be