The fire detection system is supplied with power by the stand-by battery in case of a fault with mains
power shut down. The required bridging time is regulated by local guidelines. Often, a bridging time
of 72 hours is demanded. Note that longer mains power shut down times mean that the fire detection
system will be out of power and therefore out of function!
At a fault of the stand-by battery the fire detection system is supplied by the mains power only. With a
shut-down of the mains power the fire detection system runs out of power and is therefore out of func-
tion! A single earthing of the cabling system does not impair the fire detection system, multiple
earthings are additionally displayed as a fault of the corresponding part of the system.
If the second line of the LC-display shows "FWI", "FM1", "FM2", "ABB216" or "LAB" as fault cause
in case of a fault, you have to assume that
the public safety personnel (e.g. the fire brigade) will not be notified automatically in case of alarm
("FAULT FWI") or
the fire detectors connected to the function modules FM1 or FM2 are no longer serviced by the con-
trol panel and therefore can no longer report alarms to the control panel and, consequently, cannot
activate actuations ("FAULT FM1", "FAULT FM2"). Please retrieve information on which fire de-
tectors or detector zones are affected by this fault from your engineering data.
the display and operating unit of the control panel ("FAULT ABB216") or the LED-display field of
the control panel ("FAULT LAB") is out of function.
If a fire detection control panel BCnet216 displays [MEMB.FLT xxx] in case of fault, you have to as-
sume that the GSSnet member number xxx is completely out of function. If this GSSnet member is a
BCnet sectional control panel of the BCnet216, the area which is attended by this BCnet sectional con-
trol panel is no longer monitored!
If a fire detection control panel BCnet216 displays [GSS-N.FLT xxx] in case of fault, a line fault ex-
ists in the GSSnet wiring after the GSSnet member number xxx. Since the GSSnet is built on circular
wiring, this does not yet impair the fire detection system. If however two such faults are displayed, the
GSSnet members arranged between the two displayed GSSnet members are no longer connected to the
main operating unit and therefore can no longer be attended by it!
With multiple line faults of the network cable the whole circular network will be separated into iso-
lated segments. If the fire detection control panel BCnet216 consists exclusively of operable BCnet
sectional control panels, even with such multiple line faults each of the separate segments stays fully
operatable. In this case the BCnet sectional control panel with the lowest member number in the seg-
ment becomes the main operating unit of this segment. Please retrieve the corresponding hints from the
engineering data of your fire detection system.
5.6 Disablement condition
The disablement condition is an intentional condition of a fire detection system, in which the system or
parts of it are taken out of operation.
By disabling a part of the system or a function, the corresponding part or function is put out of opera-
tion! Therefore, disable parts of the system only in exceptional cases and make sure that these parts are
not kept disabled longer than necessary.
A disabled detector zone that is part of a two-zone dependency of an actuation, a transmitting device
or an alarming device is removed from the two-zone dependency. Have the parameters of the two-zone
dependency been set for just two detector zones, one of which is disabled, the devices that ought to be
activated cannot be activated by the two-zone dependency in case of fire!
If in an interdependence of two detectors consisting of just two detectors one is disabled, the second
detector is ineffective as well because it can only activate a pre-alarm.
The parameters of an actuation can be set so that the actuation is also activated in case of a disable-
ment or a fault of the corresponding detector zone or by entering authorization level 2 or 3. You find
information on the kind of actuation used in the engineering data of your fire detection system.
The disablement condition is displayed on the control panel as follows:
The yellow light-emitting diode 'Disablement' is illuminated.
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A Chapter 5 • Operating conditions of fire detection control panels Series BC216