330 21.12.2002 08:45 ENABLEMENT 0002 1.Floor Storage area
331 21.12.2002 08:47 AUTHORIZATION EXIT User level
Figure 6: Example of a protocol print-out
The continuous line number, date, time, event (with zone and element number, if available), event
text 1, event text 2 are printed (from left to right).
08:32: The detector 2/14 activated an alarm; due to this the actuation 12 and the alarming device
Nr. 1 were automatically activated.
08:33: The alarm delay was activated by the user.
08:36: The authorization code was entered and the detector zone 2 was disabled. Due to this, the
alarm was terminated, followed by the automatic silencing of the alarming device and of the actua-
08:45: The detector zone 2 was enabled.
08:47: The authorization was exited.
At events which also supply a complementary text (e.g. at a fault of a detector zone: the information
whether wire breakage or short circuit occurred) this text is printed in a second line after the event line.
The event print-out of a network fire detection control panel BCnet216 is always printed in two lines,
the number of the GSSnet member is also printed besides a possible complementary text (see above
The events are printed in their temporal order as they were received by the fire detection control panel.
The print-out can be repeated anytime. The repetition of the print-out is started in the menu point [Sys-
tem] - [Repeat print-out], as described starting page 47 in Chapter "Repeating a print-out -
submenu point [Repeat print-out]".
If the printer detects "out of paper", the print-out is interrupted. The messages received in the meantime
are saved partly in the printer and partly in the control panel. The printer memory of the control panel
is capable of saving up to 500 printer lines. The saved data is printed after the printer is in operation
If you switch off the printer the data in the printer´s memory is lost.
Use of the protocol printer for printing control panel configuration, detector measured values and fur-
ther information which is required by the authorized installer or the maintenance technician are de-
scribed from page 46 in Chapter "Printing - submenu point [Print-out]" and in the further
parts of this User Manual.
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
Chapter 3 • Displaying and operating elements User Manual Series BC216 / Part A