At a fault in the primary transmitting device or the primary alarming device, the corresponding yel-
low LED-displays are flashing.
At a fault in the power supply, the yellow light-emitting diode 'Energy fault' is flashing.
At a fault in the system, the yellow light-emitting diode 'System fault' is flashing or is illuminated,
depending on the kind of fault (see from page 9 in Chapter 1.2.2: "What to do in case of a fault").
If the parameters have been set accordingly, the light-emitting diodes of all faulted zone(s) or other
parts of the system are flashing on the optional LED-display field.
Additional information (e.g., date and time of the occurrence of the fault displayed in the first line, the
kind of fault, etc.) can be displayed by using the 'Info'-button.
You can scroll through all current faults by using the '
A faulted detector zone that is part of a two-zone dependency of an actuation, a transmitting device or
an alarming device is removed from the two-zone dependency. Have the parameters of the two-zone
dependency been set for just two detector zones and one of them is faulted, the to be activated actua-
tions cannot be activated by the two-zone dependency in case of fire!
Does an interdependence of two detectors consist of just two detectors and one of them is faulted, the
second detector is ineffective as well because it can activate only a pre-alarm.
The number series for faults (in above example, "0012") is the same series as for fire detector zones
and detector zones for technical messages.
Fault-messages transmitted to the control panel by fault detectors are saved until the faults have been
reset (e.g., by disabling the fault detector zone). Fault displays that are recorded by the control panel it-
self (e.g., a mains power shut down) are not kept saved. When the cause of the fault is eliminated, the
display on the control panel disappears.
You can survey the last 500 events anytime by viewing the event memory. See from page 43 in Chap-
ter 4.7.11: "Menu point [Event memory]".
Has a fault been repaired, all faults remaining in the display memory are renumbered in the order of
their occurrence.
The following fault messages are displayed on the LC-display of the control panel:
Displaying (1st line)
Alarm message from a detector zone (e.g., Nr. 5) for fault messages
1.FLT-ALARM 0005
Alarm message from an element (e.g., Nr. 14) of a detector zone (e.g., Nr.
5) for fault messages
1.FLT-ALARM 0005/014
Alarm of a detector zone (e.g., Nr. 5) for fault messages, in test condition
1.FLT.T-AL 0005
Alarm of an element (e.g., Nr. 14) of a detector zone (e.g., Nr. 5) for fault
messages, in test condition
1.FLT.T-AL 0005/014
Fault in a detector zone (e.g., Nr. 4) for fire alarms
The transmitting of a fire alarm from the concerning fire detectors to the control
panel is no longer ensured.
1.FAULT 0004
Fault in an element (e.g., Nr. 29) of a detector zone (e.g., Nr. 4) for fire
The transmitting of a fire alarm from the concerning element to the control panel is
no longer possible.
1.FAULT 0004/029
Fault in a detector zone (e.g., Nr. 3) for technical messages
The transmitting of an alarm from the concerning detectors to the control panel is
no longer ensured.
1.TECH.FLT 0003
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A Chapter 5 • Operating conditions of fire detection control panels Series BC216