2.4.4 Actuations
Practically any number of actuations can be activated by the fire detection control panels Series
BC216. The activation of each actuation is dependent on logic combinations of the alarm activation of
detector zones and of single detectors. Actuations can be set for the case of fire ("fire control system"),
as well as for faults and technical messages.
Each actuation can be enabled and disabled individually. The displaying and operating of the actua-
tions are described starting page 41 in Chapter 4.7.8: "Displaying and operating actuations - menu point
2.4.5 Information devices for the fire brigade
The fire detection control panels Series BC216 support the functions of various devices used in a fire
detection system for the information of and use by the fire brigade. These are, for example, fire brigade
control units, key safes and key depots, fire brigade map systems, etc. The modular construction of the
fire detection control panels Series BC216 facilitates the simple adaptation to country-specific designs
of these devices.
2.4.6 Information systems
Besides the standard devices mentioned above, printers, additional computer aided information systems
and superior managing devices and main control panels are often used in a fire detection system. Such
devices are connected to and managed by the control panel via the serial interfaces contained in the fire
detection control panel Series BC216, or with fire detection control panels BCnet216, also via gate-
ways which are connected to the network.
HB216AE.SAM / 0130 / AN9161202
User Manual Series BC216 / Part A Chapter 2 • Fire detection control panel Series BC216