Set Up the Machine (Continued)
• Set the Foot Control
_0o_ conirol
The foot control regulates the speed at
which you sew.
Posit_on the foot controI as shown, w_th
your heel on the floor.
To increase speed, gently press down with
the bail of your foot.
To decrease speed, retease your foot
pressure slightly.
NOTE : The foot control is sens}twe and
wilf increase or decrease your
sewing speed immediately.
Practice on a scrap of fabric to
reguiate your sewing speed to
your taste and needs,
o Check Your Feed Balance Diat
For most sewing, the groove m the Feed Balance Dial should
point to the arrow ('" _ ").
You may rarely need to adjust the dial. But, if necessary, use
th_s dial to regulate the feed balance for:
* Buttonholes (See P 68 for details)
* Any "'stretch" stitch such as patterns [] , [] ,
[] - @ ~ @ andmonogromm, 0
when sewing on very partDcutar fabrics.
• Set the Pressure Dial
Pressure_. _l_
control _ _
The Pressure Dia! is tocated under the top
Set as foltows:
. most sewing
2 . . apP!ique and Cut-Out Work
1 ... basting, sewing chiffon, lace,
organdy and other lightweight
Also for velours and kmts
{with more stretch)