To program stitch pattern combinations, press the pattern selection buttons
in the order shown.
Set the Machine
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= One Cycle Stitching
_ 1. Press the Auto-Lock,
[_ 2, Press Memory.
_-_ 3, Press the stitch pattern.
4, Press Memory,
[_ 5. Press the Auto-Lock,
[_ 6, Press Memory.
See the Pattern Single Unit Chart.
You will sew one flower.
The Auto-Lock stitch is already programmed into the buttonhole
stitches and monograms, but not on any other stitches. You must
press Auto-Lock to lock the decorative or any other stitches.
= Two Cycle Stitching
To sew two of any stitch pattern, press the memory button twice after
selecting the stitch pattern numbers.
NOTE: Continue to press the foot control until the machine stops
Combine Stitch Patterns
[_ 1. Press the Auto-Lock.
[_ 2. Press Memory,
[_ 3, Press the stitch pattern.
[_ 4. Press Memory,
5, Press the next stitch pattern.
[_ 6. Press Memory.
_-_ 7. Press the stitch pattern.
[_ 8, Press Memory.
_] 9. Press the stitch pattern,
[_ 10. Press Memory.
11. Press the Auto+Lock.
[_ 12. Press Memory.
To repeat the same combination of stitches, just press the foot control again
after stitching the first combination.