, PresserFoot Types (Continued)
D, Quilter
E, Zipper Foot
F. Satin St=tch Foot
D: Quilter
This attachment turns your zlgzag foot
into a quilting foot.
See p. 54 for detailed instructions.
Stitch Pattern : []
E: Zipper toot
This foot can be set to sew on each s=de of
your zipper. The edges of the foot guide
the z_pper and keep the seam straight.
For details on sewing zippers, see
p. 40 _ 42.
Stttch Pattern; []
F: Satin stitch
...... J
Use this transparent foot for outlining
applique and Cut-Out Work, as well as for
all your Decorative Stitching and mono-
Stitch Patterns: