MAN-0076 Rev 05 Millennium II
December 07, 2012
Net Safety Monitoring Inc
1.2.2 Transmitter electronics module and Relay options
The transmitter electronics module may be equipped with 4 electromechanical relays or 4 solid-state relays which are
mounted to the main terminal board via plastic standoffs. Relay boards are field replaceable by simply unlocking the
plastic standoffs with a small flat head screw driver. Remove relay board after unlocking standoffs, insert the
replacement relay board, and then lock the plastic standoff with the screw driver. See Figure 3 for relay board
Warning Before wiring or replacement of relay boards, ensure that the power to transmitter is switched off.
Do not open the transmitter enclosure in a classified area.
Warning Avoid touching electronic components, as they are susceptible to electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Refer to Appendix A, “Electrostatic Sensitive Device (ESD)”.
Figure 3: Board assembly diagram