Cloudmark 3048 Home Security System User Manual

Chapter 2 Cloudmark Cartridge Installation
Installing or updating the Cartridge 11
(Immunity 2.0.1) <immunity root>/setup/sql/sqlite/cm_egm.db
(<immunity root> is typically /srv/immunity)
9 The default cartridge.cfg and whitelist.cfg files will not be installed in etc/. To
create the default configuration files, copy etc/cartridge.cfg.sample to
etc/cartridge.cfg and etc/whitelist.cfg.sample to etc/whitelist.cfg.
10Check for the following log message:
Aug 21 12:28:06 : INFO:MICROUPDATE: Successfully updated
<file> from network (new serial <serial>)
There should be one such message for every micro-updates file listed in “The
Cartridge installation package” on page 7.
See also the Cloudmark Immunity Installation and Administration Guide.
Installation for Openwave Email Mx
Before proceeding with the installation instructions below, Cloudmark
recommends backing up the entire $AUTH_HOME directory.
1 Follow these steps:
(AUTH_HOME=value from configuration key /<host>/authority/homeDir).
You should see an “etc” and a “lib” directory here.
cp lib/ lib/<datestamp>
$INTERMAIL/lib/imservctrl stop imextserv
gzip –d –c < SpamDNA-3048.x.x.x-<platform>.tar.gz | tar xvf –
2 Create the etc/license.cfg file.
This file must contain the two-line license text that you received from
3 If you are updating an existing Cartridge installation, update cartridge.cfg to
the latest defaults listed in the file etc/cartridge.cfg.sample.
4 Start the extensions service:
$INTERMAIL/lib/imservctrl start imextserv
5 Check for the following log message:
Aug 21 12:28:06 : INFO:MICROUPDATE: Successfully updated
<file> from network (new serial <serial>)
There should be one such message for every micro-updates file listed in “The
Cartridge installation package” on page 7.