Carrier 11-808-427-01 Air Conditioner User Manual

Appendix A: RTU Open Points/Properties
72 RTU Open
i-Vu / Field Assistant:
I/O Points
Point Name/Description
Space Temp
The value of the Optional SPT (Rnet) sensor. Also allows i-Vu & Field Assistant users access to sensor
configuration. See Carrier Sensors Installation Guide
for additional details.
input 1
Input Channel 1; 4 - 20 mA only. User-configurable for IAQ, OAQ, or Space RH.
input 2
Input Channel 2; 4 - 20 mA only. User-configurable for IAQ, OAQ, or Space Relative Humidity.
input 6
Input Channel 6; 10K Thermistor only. Supply Air Temperature.
input 7
Input Channel 7; 10K Thermistor only. Outside Air Temperature.
input 10
Input Channel 10; 10K Thermistor only. Space Temperature (T55, 56, 59).
input 11
Input Channel 11; 100K Potentiometer only. Setpoint adjust (T56, 59).
slidepot voltage reading
Input Channel 11; used to detect an open circuit (faulty Setpoint adjustment mechanism).
input 3
Input Channel 3; Dry Contact only. User-configurable for No Function, Compressor Safety, Fan Status, Filter
Status, Remote Occupancy, or Door Contact.
input 4
Input Channel 4; Dry Contact only. Safety Chain.
input 5
Input Channel 5; Dry Contact only. User-configurable for No Function, Fire Shutdown, Fan Status, Filter
Status, Remote Occupancy, or Door Contact.
input 8
Input Channel 8; Dry Contact only. User-configurable for No Function, Enthalpy, Fan Status, Filter Status,
Remote Occupancy, or Door Contact.
input 9
Input Channel 9; Dry Contact only. User-configurable for No Function, Humidistat, Fan Status, Filter Status,
Remote Occupancy, or Door Contact.
Sensor Invalid
Off = Space Temp valid.
Reflects the status of the Space Temp (Rnet) input. On = Space Temp invalid,
ao 1
Analog Output Channel 1; jumper selectable.
ao 2
Analog Output Channel 2; 0 - 10 Vdc. Not Utilized.
relay 1
Binary Output 1; Fan (G) Output.
relay 2
Binary Output 2; Heat 2 (W2) Output.
relay 3
Binary Output 3; Heat 1 (W1) Output.
relay 4
Binary Output 4; Cool 2 (Y2) Output.
relay 5
Binary Output 5; Cool 1 (Y1) Output.
relay 6
Binary Output 6; Humidi-MiZer ™ Output.
relay 7
Binary Output 7; Reversing Valve Output.
relay 8
Binary Output 8; Power Exhaust Output.