28 RTU Open
To wire a humidistat to the controller
1 Strip the outer jacket from the cable for at least 4 inches (10.2 cm). Strip .25 inch (.6 cm) of insulation
from each wire
2 Wire the humidistat to the controller. See diagram below.
3 Apply power and verify sensor readings.
NOTE Humidistat may be return duct or space mounted.
Wiring an enthalpy switch
Outdoor Air - Part #33CSENTHSW
Return air - Part #33CSENTSEN
The 33CSENTHSW is an outdoor air enthalpy switch/receiver. This control determines the suitability of the
outdoor air as a cooling source, based on the heat content of the air. Differential enthalpy control requires
installing a 33CSENTSEN enthalpy sensor in the rooftop unit's return air duct.
Wiring specifications
Cable from sensor to controller: If <100 ft (30.5 meters) 22 AWG, unshielded
If >100 ft (30.5 meters) 22 AWG, shielded
Maximum length: 500 feet (152 meters)