Page 50 - Function Key Programming Function Keys
Page 50 - Function Keys IP Office 2420 + EU24 User’s Guide
Function Key Programming 40DHB0002UKEG – Issue 4 (9th February 2004)
Steal - Call Steal
Take over a call from a specified extension or retrieve a call just transferred or
forwarded. This function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.
If a target extension number is entered when this function is programmed,
displays that number. Pressing
Steal when the target extension has a call will take
over the call.
If no target extension number is entered when the function is programmed,
retrieves the last calls transferred from the extension. This includes calls diverted to
Notes: 1. Target extension must not have Cannot Intrude set.
2. Extension with Steal allocated must also have Can Intrude set.
[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Call | Call Steal]
SusCW - Suspend CW
Suspend the current external call at the exchange and answer the waiting call.
This feature is not supported in the USA.
If no exchange slot number is specified when the function is programmed, exchange
slot 0 is used. This function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.
SusCW is only supported if the exchange provides a Q.931 suspend call
[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Suspend | Suspend CW]
See also:
• Resum - Resume Call on page 51.
Suspe - Suspend Call
Suspend the current external call at the exchange.
This feature is not supported in the USA.
If no exchange slot number is specified when the function is programmed, exchange
slot 0 is used. This function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.
Suspe is only supported if the exchange provides a Q.931 suspend call
[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Suspend | Suspend Call]
See also:
• Resum - Resume Call on page 51.