6.23 Increasing the motor output torque further in low speed range
: Exciting strengthening coefficient
: Stall prevention factor
The output torque of the motor can adjusted using the parameters described in 6.22 in most cases, but if a finer
adjustment is required, use these parameters.
[Parameter setting]
Title Function Adjustment range Default setting
H Exciting strengthening coefficient ~ %
H Stall prevention factor ~
ŬIf the torque needs to be increased in low speed range (10Hz or less as a guide)
Perform auto-tuning according to the instructions in 6.22, and if the torque needs to be increased further in low
speed range, first increase the slip frequency gain (H) to a degree (80% or so as a guide) that hunting of the
motor does not occur. Then, increase motor constant 1 (H) by 1.1 times the current value as a guide. If the
torque needs to be increased even further, increase the exciting current factor (H) to a maximum of 130%.
H is a parameter that increases the magnetic flux of the motor at low speeds, so specifying a higher value for
H increases the no-load current. If the no-load current exceeds the rated current, do not adjust this
ŬIf the motor stalls when operated at frequencies above the base frequency
Adjust H (stall prevention factor).
If a heavy load is applied momentarily (transiently), the motor may stall before the load current reaches the stall
prevention level (H). In such a case, a motor stall may be avoided by reducing the value of H