
Peligro: Antes de empezar a instalar este producto, lea la informaciónde
seguridad en Atención: Información de Seguridad Lea Esto Primero, SD21-0030.
Este documento describe los procedimientos de seguridad para cablear y enchufar
equipos eléctricos.
Varning livsfara: Innan du börjar installera den här produkten bördu
läsa säkerhetsinformationen i dokumentet Varning: Säkerhetsföreskrifter Läs detta
först, SD21-0030. Där beskrivs hur du på ett säkert sätt ansluter elektrisk
Telecommunications Safety Requirements in the United Kingdom
This IBM product is made to high safety standards. It complies inherently with
telecommunications safety standard BS 6301. It is not designed to provide
protection from excessive voltages appearing externally at its interfaces. Therefore,
when this product is connected to a public telecommunications network via any
other equipment, and you connect to this product items not supplied by IBM United
Kingdom Ltd., you must comply with mandatory telecommunications safety
Statement of Compliance with the United Kingdom
Telecommunications Act 1984
This apparatus is approved under approval number NS/G/1234/J/100003 for indirect
connections to the public telecommunications systems in the United Kingdom.
Electronic Emission Notices
IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter (PN 34L5001)
when using Shielded Twisted-Pair Cable Media or when using Unshielded Twisted-Pair
Cable and a Shielded Power Cord
Appendix G. Notices 85