
Table 4. Managed Driver Upgrade command line options
Option Explanation
/boot=[y,n] The adapter needs to be rebooted before the upgrade takes
effect. The Managed Driver Upgrade executable can force the
system to reboot after it completes. Set /boot=y if you want the
system to reboot. Set /boot=n if you do not want the system to
reboot. The default is /boot=y.
/down=[y,n] There are times when you might want to revert to a previous
version of a driver. Set /down=y in these cases. Set /down=n to
prevent an older driver from being accidentally installed over a
newer driver. The default is /down=n. Windows NT 4.0 does
not support this option.
/file=[y,n] Controls the logging ability of the Managed Driver Upgrade
executable. /file=y will generate a log file in the same directory
where the executable resides. /file=n suppresses logging. The
default is /file=y
/name=[XXXXXXXX.XXX] Customizes the name of the log file. The name can be any
valid Windows filename. The default name is MYOUT.DAT.
For example, to execute on Windows 98, log to a file called TRMDU.LOG, and
reboot after completion, enter the following on the command line:
TRMDU98 /boot=y /file=y /name=TRMDU.LOG
Running Managed Driver Upgrade remotely
To run the Managed Driver Upgrade from a remote location using management
software, perform the following procedure.
1. Download the correct package to the management server. There are packages
for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000.
2. Run the package and extract all the files to a single directory.
3. Repackage the files according to the specifics of the management software.
4. Follow the directions included with the management software to schedule an
update. During the update, all the files in the package are typically pushed to
the client, and the executable is started. The command line options for the
executable described in Table 4 can typically be passed to the executable by
the management software.
The Managed Driver Upgrade should be completely transparent to the user. The log
file generated by Managed Driver Update will be stored in a directory designated by
the management software. Refer to the management software for details on how to
locate this directory.
Chapter 3. Software installation 35