
About this manual
This manual contains the information you need to install and use the IBM 16/4
Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter.
Also on the CD-ROM are the installation aids, device drivers, and documentation for
the adapter.
Who should read this manual
This manual is intended for use by network administrators and other end users of
the IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter who install token-ring adapter
hardware and software.
How this manual is organized
Chapter 1. Introduction to the IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapteron
page 1 describes the adapters covered in this manual, gives a checklist for
installation, and describes some of the features of the adapters.
Chapter 2. Installing the adapter hardwareon page 5 describes the procedure for
installing the adapter into your computer.
Chapter 3. Software installationon page 7 describes the procedure for software
installation for a number of network operating environments.
Chapter 4. Problem solvingon page 37 describes troubleshooting procedures and
fixes that might be needed for your environment.
Appendix A. CD-ROM content and software packageson page 49 describes the
files that are on the adapter CD-ROM.
Appendix B. NDIS 2 device driver parameterson page 53 lists the NDIS 2
parameters, describes their usage, and lists their values.
Appendix C. NDIS 2 device driver messageson page 59 lists the NDIS 2 system
messages, explains the meaning, and lists user actions.
Appendix D. Novell NetWare Server driver parameterson page 65 lists the Novell
and LAN Client parameters, describes their usage, and lists their values.
Appendix E. Novell NetWare Server messageson page 71 lists the Novell and
LAN Client messages, explains the meaning, and lists user actions.
Appendix F. Novell NetWare DOS ODI driver parameterson page 77 lists the
Novell parameters, describes their usage, and lists their values.
Appendix G. Noticeson page 79 lists the legal notices required for the IBM 16/4
Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 vii