Chapter 4. Problem solving
This chapter contains procedures that help you troubleshoot problems and optimize
the performance of your adapter.
Starting the troubleshooting process
If you cannot successfully install the adapter or the adapter does not operate
properly, perform the following steps:
v If yours is the first station on the ring, make sure that AutoSense is disabled.
v Refer to the following table. Locate the symptom that best describes the problem.
Symptom Solution
Problem with adapter operation See “Using Troubleshooting Utility” and
“Running adapter diagnostics” on page 42.
Problem indicated by the adapter LEDs See “Understanding the adapter LEDs and
labels” on page 43.
Problem with loading the drivers See “Solving problems with driver installation”
on page 45.
Unable to communicate with the network See “Solving an adapter communication
problem” on page 46.
This chapter includes the following topics:
Section Page
Using Troubleshooting Utility 37
Running adapter diagnostics 42
Understanding the adapter LEDs and labels 43
Solving problems with driver installation 45
Solving an adapter communication problem 46
Contacting IBM product support 47
Downloading code from the Web 47
Tech tips and frequently asked questions 47
Other performance enhancements 47
Using Troubleshooting Utility
Troubleshooting Utility is an application that you can use to collect information about
your system to help diagnose problems with your token-ring PCI adapter. It is
available for Windows 95 OSR2, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows
Troubleshooting Utility helps you identify and solve network problems that involve
the adapter. It analyzes your system and all token-ring PCI adapters in your system.
Using the available information, it offers suggestions for solving your networking
problems. Troubleshooting Utility also generates an adapter information report that
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