Appendix A. CD-ROM content and software packages
The CD-ROM contains adapter drivers, supporting applications, publications,
technical tips, and frequently asked questions related to the IBM 16/4 Token-Ring
PCI Management Adapter.
A navigational tool is provided to assist you in accessing the contents of the
CD-ROM. You can launch this tool by opening the file x:\startcd.htm (where x is
your CD-ROM drive) in a Web browser. You can obtain release date information
from the CD-ROM by selecting your adapter from the section CD-ROM - release
date information.
However, the IBM Networking Web site might offer more current information. If you
have Internet access, you can obtain the most current drivers and information by
selecting your adapter from the section Networking Web site - current information.
The Web download packages and CD-ROM contain the following items:
v User’s Guide and Features publication in HTML and PDF format. See “Product
documentation” on page 51.
v Self-expanding PACKAGE and IMAGE files.
v Device drivers that can be installed directly from the CD-ROM during the device
driver install process. They are located in the following directories:
Operating System Directory
Windows NT 4.0 \(root)
Windows NT 3.51 \win32
Windows 95 Retail \win32
Windows 95 OSR2 \(root)
Windows 98 \(root)
Windows 2000 \(root)
Windows for Workgroups \WFW
Novell NetWare Server and 32-bit Client \NOVELL\NETWARE
Novell NetWare DOS Requester (16-bit) \NOVELL\DOS
Novell NetWare OS/2 Requester (16-bit) \NOVELL\OS2
OS/2 \OS2
Table 7 on page 50 lists packages that are available on the Web and on the
CD-ROM. Table 8 on page 50 lists diskette images that are available on the Web
and on the CD-ROM. You can obtain them by using the navigational tool already
mentioned. Select the Web link for the latest version of the file, or select the
CD-ROM link to copy the file directly from the CD-ROM. The files are located on
the CD-ROM at x:\download (where x is your CD-ROM drive).
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