
the counter reaches zero or the threshold value, a
decision is made and/or an event occurs.
token. A sequence of bits passed from one device to
another on the token-ring network that signifies
permission to transmit over the network. It consists of a
starting delimiter, an access control field, and an end
delimiter. The access control field contains a bit that
indicates to a receiving device that the token is ready to
accept information. If a device has data to send along
the network, it appends the data to the token. When
data is appended, the token then becomes a frame.
See frame.
Token Ring. A network with a ring topology that
passes tokens from one attaching device (node) to
another. A node that is ready to send can capture a
token and insert data for transmission.
token-ring network. (1) A ring network that allows
unidirectional data transmission between data stations
by a token-passing procedure over one transmission
medium so that the transmitted data returns to and is
removed by the transmitting station. The IBM
Token-Ring Network is a baseband LAN with a
star-wired ring topology that passes tokens from
network adapter to network adapter. (2) A network that
uses a ring topology, in which tokens are passed in a
sequence from node to node. A node that is ready to
send can capture the token and insert data for
transmission. (3) A group of interconnected token rings.
twisted pair. A transmission medium that consists of
two insulated conductors twisted together to reduce
universally administered address. The address
permanently encoded in an adapter at the time of
manufacture. All universally administered addresses are
unique. Contrast with locally administered address.
unshielded twisted pair (UTP). See telephone twisted
UTP. See unshielded twisted pair (UTP) See also
telephone twisted pair.
W. Watt.
wire fault. An error condition caused by a break or a
short circuit in the cable segment that connects the
adapter port to its access unit.
102 IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter