
Novell NetWare 5.0 Server
If Novell NetWare is not installed on your machine, use the following instructions. If
it is installed, follow the instructions in Server driver installation in existing NetWare
5.0 Serveron page 17.
Server driver installation during NetWare 5.0 Server installation
Installation of the network board and its device driver occurs during the combined
storage device and network board installation step. Use the following instructions to
install the network board and its driver during a new NetWare 5.0 Server
1. Create a device driver installation diskette containing the extracted files from the
NETWAREP.EXE package file on the adapter CD-ROM.
2. Select a storage device and a network board:
v Select and configure the storage device.
Storage devices such as hard disks, CD-ROMs, and tape devices require a
software driver to communicate with the storage adapter. The software driver
for the storage device is called a custom device module (CDM). Each type of
storage device requires a CDM.
The installation program auto-detects many types of storage devices such as
IDE drives, SCSI drives, CD-ROM drives, and tape drives. If your storage
device is not detected, choose the appropriate driver from the list of available
drivers provided with NetWare 5 or add a new driver from a diskette. CDMs
can be obtained from the storage device manufacturer.
v Select and configure the network board.
The software driver for a network board is called a LAN driver. The
installation program auto-detects many types of network boards. If your
network board is not detected, choose the driver for the network board from
the list provided with NetWare 5 or use a new or updated driver from the
diskette that you created in step 1.
The network board must be installed and configured correctly. For servers, it
is recommended that DATARATE be set to M16 or M4, and clients be set to
Auto. You might be able to influence certain network board properties by
configuring the system and the network board or both.
v Load a NetWare Loadable Module TM program, if required.
Certain server and network configurations might require you to load a
NetWare Loadable Module (NLM) before you can complete the server
installation. An example is loading ROUTE.NLM for a token-ring environment
that requires it.
16 IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter