Table 11. DOS and OS/2 Configurable Driver Parameters in the NET.CFG file. (continued)
Parameter Explanation
DATARATE This keyword defines the data-rate setting for the adapter. It is recommended that clients be
set to AUTO.
This keyword is ignored for 100-Mbps network operation.
Valid values:
AUTO AutoSense – automatic ring-speed detection.
Note: The adapter will not function with AutoSense if the adapter is the first one on
the ring. AutoSense is not designed for changing ring speed while the adapter is
operational. It is usually necessary to reload the driver.
M16 16-Mbps ring-speed operation.
M4 4-Mbps ring-speed operation.
The default value is AUTO.
RXBUFFERS This keyword defines the number of receive buffers used by the driver.
Valid values: 9to64
The default value is 16.
TXBUFFERS This keyword defines the number of transmit buffers used by the driver.
Valid values: 1to3
The default value is 1.
FULLDUPLEX This keyword influences whether a full-duplex network connection will be requested by the
Valid values: NO, YES
The default value is YES.
78 IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter