
Running Managed Driver Upgrade remotely .............35
Chapter 4. Problem solving....................37
Starting the troubleshooting process .................37
Using Troubleshooting Utility ....................37
Installing Troubleshooting Utility..................38
Starting Troubleshooting Utility ..................38
Using Troubleshooting Utility ...................38
Running adapter diagnostics ....................42
Running 4/16 Mbps diagnostics..................42
Understanding the adapter LEDs and labels ..............43
Understanding the adapter LEDs .................44
Understanding the adapter labels .................45
Solving problems with driver installation................45
Solving an adapter communication problem ..............46
Using PCISETUP ........................46
DOS, Novell, Windows, or Windows 95 (adapter driver not in CONFIG.SYS) 46
DOS, Novell, Windows, or Windows 95 (adapter driver in CONFIG.SYS) 47
OS/2 ...........................47
Windows NT.........................47
Contacting IBM product support...................47
Downloading code from the Web ..................47
Tech tips and frequently asked questions ...............47
Other performance enhancements..................47
Appendix A. CD-ROM content and software packages .........49
Software packages .......................50
Diskette images ........................50
Product documentation ......................51
Appendix B. NDIS 2 device driver parameters ............53
Appendix C. NDIS 2 device driver messages .............59
Appendix D. Novell NetWare Server driver parameters .........65
Appendix E. Novell NetWare Server messages ............71
Appendix F. Novell NetWare DOS ODI driver parameters ........77
Appendix G. Notices ......................79
Trademarks ..........................80
Safety Information........................81
Telecommunications Safety Requirements in the United Kingdom .....85
Statement of Compliance with the United Kingdom Telecommunications Act
1984 ...........................85
Electronic Emission Notices ....................85
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement.........86
Other Electronic Emission Notices for STP Media ............86
Industry Canada Class B Emission Compliance Statement........86
Avis de conformité aux normes dIndustrie Canada ..........86
European Norm (EN) Statement .................86
Hinweis zur Elektromagnetischen Verträeglichkeit (EMVG) ........87
Japanese Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) Statement . . . 87
Other Electronic Emission Notices for UTP Media ............87
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement.........87
iv IBM 16/4 Token-Ring PCI Management Adapter