Debug/Syslog Operation
Caution If you configure a severity-level, system-module, logging destination, or
logging facility value and save the settings to the startup configuration (for
example, by entering the write memory command), the debug settings are
saved after a system reboot (power cycle or reboot) and re-activated on the
switch. As a result, after switch startup, one of the following situations may
■ Only a partial set of Event Log messages may be sent to configured debug
■ Messages may be sent to a previously configured Syslog server used in an
earlier debugging session.
Displaying a Debug/Syslog Configuration
Use the show debug command to display the currently configured settings for:
■ Debug message types and Event Log message filters (severity level and
system module) sent to debug destinations
■ Debug destinations (Syslog servers or CLI session) and Syslog server
facility to be used
Figure C-5. Sample Output of show debug Command
Example: In the following example, no Syslog servers are configured on the
switch (default setting). When you configure a Syslog server, debug logging is
enabled to send Event Log messages to the server. To limit the Event Log
Syntax: show debug
Displays the currently configured debug logging destinations
and message types selected for debugging purposes. (If no
Syslog server address is configured with the logging
> command, no show debug command output is displayed.)
ProCurve(config)# show debug
Debug Logging
Logging --
System module=all-pass
Enabled debug types: