Configuring for Network Management Applications
LLDP (Link-Layer Discovery Protocol)
Note LLDP-MED operation requires the macphy_config TLV subelement—enabled
by default—that is optional for IEEE 802.1AB LLDP operation. Refer to the
dot3TlvEnable macphy_config command on page 13-55.
Network Policy Advertisements. Network policy advertisements are
intended for real-time voice and video applications, and include these TLV
■ Layer 2 (802.1p) QoS
■ Layer 3 DSCP (diffserv code point) QoS
■ Voice VLAN ID (VID)
VLAN Operating Rules. These rules affect advertisements of VLANs in
network policy TLVs:
■ The VLAN ID TLV subelement applies only to a VLAN configured for voice
operation (vlan < vid > voice).
■ If there are multiple voice VLANs configured on a port, LLDP-MED
advertises the voice VLAN having the lowest VID.
■ The voice VLAN port membership configured on the switch can be tagged
or untagged. However, if the LLDP-MED endpoint expects a tagged mem-
bership when the switch port is configured for untagged, or the reverse,
then a configuration mismatch results. (Typically, the endpoint expects
the switch port to have a tagged voice VLAN membership.)
■ If a given port does not belong to a voice VLAN, then the switch does not
advertise the VLAN ID TLV through this port.
Policy Elements. These policy elements may be statically configured on the
switch or dynamically imposed during an authenticated session on the switch
using a RADIUS server and 802.1X or MAC authentication. (Web
authentication does not apply to VoIP telephones and other
telecommunications devices that are not capable of accessing the switch
through a Web browser.) The QoS and voice VLAN policy elements can be
statically configured with the following CLI commands:
vlan < vid > voice
vlan < vid > < tagged | untagged > < port-list >
int < port-list > qos priority < 0 - 7 >
vlan < vid > qos dscp < codepoint >