File Transfers
Copying Diagnostic Data to a Remote Host, USB Device, PC or UNIX Workstation
Copying Command Output to a Destination Device
For example, to use Xmodem to copy the output of show config to a serially
connected PC:
Figure A-11. Example of Sending Command Output to a File on an Attached PC
Note The command you specify must be enclosed in double-quote marks.
Copying Event Log Output to a Destination Device
For example, to copy the event log to a PC connected to the switch:
copy command-output < “cli-command” > tftp < ip-address > < filepath-
filename >
copy command-output < “cli-command” > usb < filename >
copy command-output <“cli-command”> xmodem
These commands direct the displayed output of a CLI
command to a remote host, attached USB device, or to a serially
connected PC or UNIX workstation.
At this point, press
[Enter] and start the
Xmodem command
sequence in your
terminal emulator.
Indicates the operation is finished.
Syntax: copy event-log tftp < ip-address > < filepath_filename >
copy event-log usb < filename >
copy event-log xmodem <filename>
These commands copy the Event Log content to a remote host,
attached USB device, or to a serially connected PC or UNIX