Using the Event Log for Troubleshooting Switch Problems
stp Multiple-instance spanning tree protocol/MSTP (802.1s):
Ensures that only one active path exists between any two
nodes in a group of VLANs in the network. MSTP operation is
designed to avoid loops and broadcast storms of duplicate
messages that can bring down the network.
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
system Switch management, including system configuration, switch
bootup, activation of boot ROM image, memory buffers, traffic
and security filters.
System messages also include events from Management
interfaces (menu, CLI, web browser, ProCurve Manager) used
to reconfigure the switch and monitor switch status and
Management and Configuration Guide
Access Security Guide
tacacs TACACS+ authentication: A central server is used to control
access to the switches (and other TACACS-aware devices) in
the network through a switch’s console port (local access) or
Telnet (remote access).
Access Security Guide
tcp Transmission Control Protocol: A transport protocol that runs
on IP and is used to set up connections.
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
telnet Session established on the switch from a remote device
through the Telnet virtual terminal protocol.
Management and Configuration Guide
tftp Trivial File Transfer Protocol: Supports the download of files to
the switch from a TFTP network server.
Management and Configuration Guide
timep Time Protocol: Synchronizes and ensures a uniform time
among interoperating devices.
Management and Configuration Guide
udld Uni-directional Link Detection: Monitors a link between two
switches and blocks the ports on both ends of the link if the
link fails at any point between the two devices.
Access Security Guide
update Updates (TFTP or serial) to ProCurve software and updates to
running-config and start-up config files
Management and Configuration Guide
usb Auxiliary port that allows you to connect external devices to
the switch.
Installation and Getting Started Guide
Documented in ProCurve Hardware/
Software guide