Multicast Commands 845
Expiry Up Time
Source Ip Group Ip Time(secs) (secs) RPF Neighbor Flags
--------- ----------- ---------- ----------- --------------- -----
show ip mcast mroute group
Use the show ip mcast mroute group command in Privileged EXEC mode to
display the multicast configuration settings such as flags, timer settings,
incoming and outgoing interfaces, RPF neighboring routers, and expiration
times of all the entries in the multicast mroute table containing the
show ip mcast mroute group
{detail | summary}
— IP address of the multicast group.
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC mode.
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example displays the multicast configuration settings such as
flags, timer settings, incoming and outgoing interfaces.
console#show ip mcast mroute group summary
Multicast Route Table Summary
Incoming Outgoing
Source IP Group IP Protocol Interface Interface List
--------- --------------- --------- --------- ----------------