Using the CLI 181
<186> JUN 28 14:29:09 UNKN[268434720]:
bootos.c(222) 1 %% Event(0xaaaaaaaa)
Instantiating RamCP: as rawFs, device = 0x30001
Formatting RamCP: for DOSFS
Instantiating RamCP: as rawFs, device = 0x30001
RamCP:/ - disk check in progress ...
RamCP:/ - Volume is OK
total # of clusters: 1,975
# of free clusters: 1,973
# of bad clusters: 0
total free space: 1,010,176
max contiguous free space: 1,010,176 bytes
# of files: 0
# of folders: 0
total bytes in files: 0
# of lost chains: 0
total bytes in lost chains: 0
(Unit 1 - Waiting to select management unit)>
Welcome to Dell Easy Setup Wizard
The Setup Wizard guides you through the initial switch
configuration, and