628 802.1x Commands
Default Configuration
The switch remains in the quiet state for 90 seconds.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet) mode
User Guidelines
It is recommended that the user set the dot1x timeout guest-vlan-period to at
least three times the while timer, so that at least three EAP Requests are sent,
before assuming that the client is a dot1x unaware client.
The following example sets the dot1x timeout guest vlan period to 100
console(config)# dot1x timeout guest-vlan-period 100
dot1x timeout quiet-period
Use the dot1x timeout quiet-period command in Interface Configuration
mode to set the number of seconds that the switch remains in the quiet state
following a failed authentication exchange (for example, the client provided
an invalid password). To return to the default setting, use the no form of this
dot1x timeout quiet-period
no dot1x timeout quiet-period
seconds —
Time in seconds that the switch remains in the quiet state
following a failed authentication exchange with the client. (Range:
0–65535 seconds)
Default Configuration
The switch remains in the quiet state for 60 seconds.