Configuring System Information 79
Figure 6-2. Asset
The Asset page contains the following fields:
System Name (0-159 Characters)
— Defines the user-defined device name.
System Contact (0-159 Characters)
— Indicates the name of the contact person.
System Location (0-159 Characters)
— The location where the system is currently running.
MAC Address
— Indicates the device MAC address.
Sys Object ID
— The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem
contained in the entity.
— The current date. The format is day, month, year, for example, 15/FEB/07 is February 15, 2007.
— Indicates the time. The format is hour, minute, second, for example, 20:12:21 is eight twelve
and twenty-one seconds in the evening.
System Up Time
— Specifies the amount of time since the last device reset. The system time is
displayed in the following format: Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds. For example, 41 days, 2 hours,
22 minutes and 15 seconds.