302 Configuring Switch Information
Configuring Ports with CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for configuring ports as displayed in the
Port Configuration page.
Table 7-12. Port Configuration CLI Commands
CLI Command Description
interface ethernet interface Enters the interface configuration mode to configure an
ethernet type interface.
description string Adds a description to an interface configuration.
shutdown Disables interfaces that are part of the currently set context.
set interface active
interface | port-channel port-channel-
Reactivates an interface that is shutdown due to security
speed Mbps Configures the speed of a given ethernet interface when not
using auto negotiation.
duplex {half | full} Configures the full/half duplex operation of a given ethernet
interface when not using auto negotiation.
negotiation [capability1
Enables auto negotiation operation for the speed and
duplex parameters of a given interface.
back-pressure Enables Back Pressure on a given interface.
flowcontrol {auto | on | off} Configures the Flow Control on a given interface.
mdix {on | auto} Enables automatic crossover on a given interface or Port-
show interfaces configuration
ethernet interface |port-channel
Displays the configuration for all configured interfaces.
show interface advertise Displays the interface’s negotiation advertisement settings.
show interfaces status
| port-channel port-
Displays the status for all configured interfaces.
show interfaces description
ethernet interface | port-channel
Displays the description for all configured interfaces.