Catalyst 6500 Series Switch SSL Services Module Command Reference
Chapter2 Commands for the Catalyst 6500 Series SSL Services Module
show ssl-proxy conn
show ssl-proxy conn
To display the TCP connections from the SSL Services Module, use the show ssl-proxy conn command.
show ssl-proxy conn 4tuple [local {ip local-ip-addr local-port} [remote [{ip remote-ip-addr [port
remote-port]} | {port remote-port [ip remote-ip-addr]}]]]
show ssl-proxy conn 4tuple [local {port local-port} [remote [{ip remote-ip-addr [port
remote-port]} | {port remote-port [ip remote-ip-addr]}]]]
show ssl-proxy conn 4tuple [local {remote [{ip remote-ip-addr [port remote-port]} | {port
remote-port [ip remote-ip-addr]}]]
show ssl-proxy conn module module
show ssl-proxy conn service name [context name] module [module]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Modes EXEC
4tuple Displays the TCP connections for a specific address.
local (Optional) Displays the TCP connections for a specific local device.
ip local-ip-addr IP address of a local device.
local-port Port number of a local device.
remote (Optional) Displays the TCP connections for a specific remote device.
ip remote-ip-addr IP address of a remote device.
port remote-port Port number of a remote device.
port local-port (Optional) Displays the TCP connections for a specific local port.
module module (Optional) Displays the information for a specific module.
The available options for the module variable are as follows:
• all—all CPUs
• fdu—FDU CPU
• ssl1—SSL1 CPU
• tcp1—TCP1 CPU
service name Displays the connections for a specific proxy service.
context name (Optional) Displays information about the specified context.