Catalyst 6500 Series Switch SSL Services Module Command Reference
Chapter 2 Commands for the Catalyst 6500 Series SSL Services Module
standby ip
standby ip
To activate HSRP, use the standby ip command. Use the no form of this command to disable HSRP.
standby [group-number] ip [ip-address [secondary]]
no standby [group-number] ip [ip-address]
Syntax Description
Defaults The defaults are as follows:
• group-number is 0.
• HSRP is disabled by default.
Command Modes Subinterface configuration submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines The standby ip command allows you to configure primary and secondary HSRP addresses.
The standby ip command activates HSRP on the configured interface. If you specify an IP address, that
address is used as the designated address for the hot standby group. If you do not specifiy an IP address,
the designated address is learned through the standby function. So that HSRP can elect a designated
router, at least one router on the cable must have been configured with, or have learned, the designated
address. Configuring the designated address on the active router always overrides a designated address
that is currently in use.
When you enable the standby ip command on an interface, the handling of proxy ARP requests is
changed (unless proxy ARP was disabled). If the hot standby state of the interface is active, proxy ARP
requests are answered using the MAC address of the hot standby group. If the interface is in a different
state, proxy ARP responses are suppressed.
When you use group number 0, no group number is written to NVRAM, providing backward
group-number (Optional) Group number on the interface for which HSRP is being activated.
ip-address (Optional) IP address of the hot standby router interface.
secondary (Optional) Indicates the IP address is a secondary hot standby router interface.
Release Modification
SSL Services Module
Release 2.1(1)
Support for this command was introduced on the Catalyst 6500 series
SSL Services Module
Release 3.1(1)
The command mode for this command was changed from Proxy-VLAN to