Catalyst 6500 Series Switch SSL Services Module Command Reference
Appendix A Acronyms
RMON remote network monitor
ROM read-only memory
ROMMON ROM monitor
RP route processor or rendezvous point
RPC remote procedure call
RPF reverse path forwarding
RPR Route Processor Redundancy
RPR+ Route Processor Redundancy+
RST reset
RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
RSTP+ Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol plus
RSVP ReSerVation Protocol
SAID Security Association Identifier
SAP service access point
SCM service connection manager
SCP Switch-Module Configuration Protocol
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control
SFP small form factor pluggable
SGBP Stack Group Bidding Protocol
SIMM single in-line memory module
SLB server load balancing
SLCP Supervisor Line-Card Processor
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
SMDS Software Management and Delivery Systems
SMF software MAC filter
SMP Standby Monitor Present
SMRP Simple Multicast Routing Protocol
SMT Station Management
SNAP Subnetwork Access Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SPAN Switched Port Analyzer
SREC S-Record format, Motorola defined format for ROM contents
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SSM Source Specific Multicast
SSTP Cisco Shared Spanning Tree
Table A-1 List of Acronyms (continued)
Acronym Expansion