Catalyst 6500 Series Switch SSL Services Module Command Reference
Chapter 2 Commands for the Catalyst 6500 Series SSL Services Module
policy health-probe tcp
policy health-probe tcp
To enter the TCP health probe configuration submode, use the policy health-probe command. In TCP
health probe configuration submode, you can define the TCP health probe policy that is applied.
policy health-probe tcp policy-name
Syntax Description
Defaults The defaults are as follows:
• failed-interval is 60 seconds.
• interval is 30 seconds.
• maximum-retry is 0.
• open-timeout is 80 seconds.
• port is the port of the server IP address that you configured in the SSL server proxy service.
Command Modes Context subcommand mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines Table 2-9 lists the commands that are available in TCP health probe policy configuration submode.
policy-name TCP health probe policy name.
Release Modification
SSL Services Module
Release 3.1(1)
Support for this command was introduced on the Catalyst 6500 series
SSL Services Module.
Table 2-2 TCP Health Probe Submode Command Descriptions
Syntax Description
interval seconds (Optional) Allows you to set the interval between probes in seconds (from
the end of the previous probe to the beginning of the next probe) when the
server is healthy. The default is 30 seconds. The valid range is from 30 to
300 seconds.
failed-interval seconds (Optional) Allows you to set the time between health checks after the
service has been marked as failed. The default is 60 seconds. The valid
range is from 30 to 3600 seconds.
maximum-retry retries (Optional) Sets the number of failed probes that are allowed before
marking the service as failed. The default is 0 retries. The valid range is
from 1 to 5 retries.