This chapter contains information about troubleshooting the
configuration and network connectivity of the Webcache 1000/3000. It
covers the following topics:
■ What are System Diagnostics?
■ Pinging Other Devices
■ Tracing IP Addresses
■ System Log
What are System
You can use the various system diagnostic capabilities of the Webcache to
help you identify any problems that may occur.
■ Ping — Ping other devices on the network.
■ Trace Route — Trace the network hops to a device on your network.
■ System Log — View information about the Webcache.
Pinging Other
The PING feature allows you to send out a PING request to test whether
devices on an IP network are accessible and functioning correctly. This
feature is useful to diagnose connectivity problems such as a failed
network device between the Webcache and the web server being
Performing a Ping To ping a device using the Web interface:
1 Log in to the Web interface.
2 Click Device View on the Toolbar.
3 Select Protocol -> Ping/TraceRoute in the Navigation Tree. The
Ping/Traceroute screen is displayed.