
SNMP Traps 85
System Failure is also indicated by a yellow Power/Self Test/System Fault
LED on the front panel of the Webcache; for more information, see the
Introducing the Webcache chapter on page 17.
A cache storage device has failed.
9 Click OK.
SNMP Traps You can configure the Webcache to automatically generate Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps when certain significant
system events occur. An SNMP trap is a message generated by the
Webcache in response to a particular event. It is sent to a specified
network management station in your network which receives and filters
it. You can configure the network management station to log the
generated traps, filter out the traps that you are not interested in and
issue event notifications. The structure and content of the SNMP traps are
defined in the Management Information Bases (MIBs) that the Webcache
The Webcache supports the following MIB-2 (standard MIB) and
Webcache MIB traps:
Table 11 SNMP Traps
SNMP Trap Description
Cold Start The Webcache is reinitailizing itself such that its system
configuration may be altered.
Login Failed The admin user has failed to login to the Webcache, or a
user name other than admin has been entered.
Upgrade Completed
A Software Upgrade has been successfully completed on
the Webcache.
Upgrade Failed A Software Upgrade has failed on the Webcache.
New Image Detected The Webcache has detected and downloaded a new
software version that you can choose to upgrade to. The
trap indicates the current software version on the
Webcache and the software version that has been
Image Detection Server
The FTP site that the Webcache automatically detects and
downloads software upgrades from is unavailable. You
can use the Upgrade Settings screen to change the FTP
site. For more information, see the Software Upgrade
and Installation chapter on page 83.