2 Installation Model 7300A
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
placed as close to the sample point as possible and bolted to its supporting
surface. When installed as a system with enclosure (non-panel or rack mounted)
a waterproof mastic should be liberally applied to the under surfaces of all
supporting legs of the cubicle system before placing it in position and bolting it
in place.
2.2.1 User Connections
All user connections are on the back of the equipment panel and
appear in the outline diagram in the back of the manual or addendum to the
2.2.2 Electrical Power Connections
The standard power requires a supply of 100-125VAC, single-phase
power. Power connections are made at the rear panel of the unit. Refer to the
input-output diagram for more information. The electrical power service must
include a high-quality ground wire. A high-quality ground wire is a wire that
has zero potential difference when measured to the power line neutral. If you
have the B option, you will require 220 or 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz power. Check
the analyzer input-output diagram, power schematic, outline, and wiring dia-
grams for incoming power specifications and connecting points.
Warning: Primary power to the system should not be supplied until
all customer wiring is inspected properly by start-up personnel.
2.2.3 Calibration Gases
The system may require a supply of clean, oil and particulate free air for use
as zero gas.
For accurate calibration, the analyzer requires a blended gas mixture,
typically 80-90% of the full scale range. For examle: a 0-1% CO analyzer should
use a 0.8% to 0.9% CO in N2 bottled mixture. The gas blend should be a
working certified standard, analyzed by the gas supplier to at least 2% accuracy.
Do not restrict the bypass, sample or reference vents of the analyzer (and
sample system when provided). All lines must vent to a stable safe area-typically
1 ATM A +/- 0.005 pressure (0 psig +/- 0.07). Be sure to vent the analyzer exit
to atmospheric unless otherwise indicated by the system piping schematic. Refer
to the systsem outline, piping schematics for proper connections and flow paths
of the analysis system.