Sterling Plumbing 882.00253.00 Septic System User Manual

4 –Pump 38-Station Controllers Chapter 3: Installation 17 of 44
Setting Up Pump Staging
To avoid an excessive power demand at your facility when the conveying system starts up,
you can stagger the times at which pumps start. Whenever a demand would cause two pumps
to start simultaneously, your choice for pump staging sets the delay between the start of one
pump and the start of the next. The factory default is a delay of three seconds. You need to
change this setting only if this delay is too long or too short for your facility.
To set the delay between the start of one pump and the next, complete the following steps:
1. Go to the “System Setup” screen by touching the SYSTEM SETUP button on any
2. Touch the PUMP STAGING button. A keypad pops up.
3. Enter the number of seconds (between 0 and 99) for the length of the delay between the
start of one pump and the next. Use CLR to erase any mistakes. Use ENT to enter the
value. The keypad disappears, and the new setting appears under PUMP STAGING.
Setting Up Stations
Before starting the system, you must define several settings for each station, such as which
pump conveys material to it. This section first discusses how to use the controller’s menu
system to configure stations. The table on pages 36–37 discusses the individual choices. To
set up each station, perform the following:
1. Go to the “Station Status” screen if needed. To reach this screen press station status
button on any screen.
Figure 4: “Station Status” Screen
2. On the “Station Status” screen (Figure 4), touch the icon for the station you want to
setup, and hold it for several seconds. The “Station Operator” screen opens.