Sears 385.1915 Sewing Machine User Manual

Set the Machine
55 56
Thread tensio n
Pressure Adiust]ng Lever:
F Satin stitch
The Stitches and Their Uses
These stitches can be used to quickly and
neat|y outline designs. Use them to enhance
apptiques and create your own machine
embroidered motifs.
Here°s How
Draw'the destgn on the right side of the fabric. Place a tear away backing or
iron-on mterfac}ng beneath the fabric for support where necessary,
Use the automatic settings or manually adjust the stitch length and width to
achieve a desired effect, Reduce the pressure to facilitate sewing curved areas
and you may need to pivot on sharp curves.
A second row in the same or varied thread color can be sewn inside the first
row for a more pronounced outline.