(1) File selection
Press the following buttons to change the camera and RC-Z3 settings.
・PRESET: Produces the standard setting mode
・SCENE FILE 1: FILE-1 (scene file 1) setting mode
・SCENE FILE 2: FILE-2 setting mode
・SCENE FILE 3: FILE-3 setting mode
・SCENE FILE 4: FILE-4 setting mode
Note: The pressed SCENE FILE button lights, then flashes when the application file data are changed.
Flashing continues if the data are changed or the original value is returned. When again pressed,
the button lights steadily.
(2) Setting data store
The Store function is used to save the application file item data. The common file item data are saved
during adjustment and operation.
・Store operation
After entering the settings with the menu screen and RC-Z3, press the STORE button (the STORE
button flashes). Then press the desired SCENE FILE button for storing the settings (STORE
button extinguishes).
・Store release
While the STORE button is flashing, again press the button. The STORE button extinguishes and
the mode is released.
・File data copy
Press the Preset or SCENE FILE button of the source, then press the STORE button (flashes).
Next press the SCENE FILE button of the destination file. The settings are copied and stored in
the designated file.