Fill the hopper with rice coal. With the aquastat calling
for heat, the coal will begin to feed onto the grate inside
the stove. This process can be accelerated by adjusting the
feed rate to the maximum position. When the coal starts
to come up out of the grate and is almost up to the area
where the holes start, turn the feed adjuster back about
2 turns and turn off the feed motor with the switch on
the side of the control box. Whether using wood pellets,
charcoal, or kindling and paper, mix your starter material
with the coal on the grates, for best results. Use a match
to light the re or starting material.
After the coal is burning, the feed motor can be turned
on and the coal re will continue to get larger. Fresh coal
will continue to be pushed onto the grate and ashes will
be pushed off the grate. The feed rate must be adjusted
so the coal is burned up and turned to ashes before the
coal gets to within one inch of the end of the grate. Too
high of a feed rate will push unburned coal off the coal
grate, therefore wasting fuel.
The feed indicator on the side of the feeder shows how
far the pusher moves each stroke. There are dots above
the indicator spaced 1/8” apart. A movement of one dot
would give a low burn, two dots medium and three dots
high. Lock the adjuster with the wing nut after adjusting
feed rate.
After the re is burning and the feed rate is adjusted,
you can now set the aquastat to the desired water tem-
Feed Indicator