Finding the Correct Serial Port
Finding the Correct Serial Port
The software includes a procedure for locating the serial port to which your
station is connected or determining whether that serial port is working. Using
the Loopback command (as opposed to Test) will help you find the correct
port and determine whether the serial port or the data logger is causing a com-
munication problem. The loopback function will also detect and report the
presence of any modems.
To use this procedure, you will need the loopback connector (the
short cable with a phone jack on one end and a red plastic tip on
the other) supplied with Weatherlink.
1. If necessary, disconnect the cable between your station and the
adapter connected to the COM port.
2. Insert the loopback connector into the adapter.
3. Select Communications Port from the Setup menu.
The Communications Port dialog box displays.
4. Click Loopback.
The software searches all standard serial ports and inform you of the COM
port at which the loopback connector is located.