b. Thread 1½” NPT x 15” long nipple into the 1½"
NPT x 90° elbow and tighten with a pipe wrench.
c. Thread one of the circulator fl ange onto the
nipple and tighten with a pipe wrench. Position
fl ange so that the bolt slots are parallel to the
boiler front.
d. Place a circular fl ange gasket in the fl ange
groove on the circulator and mount the circulator
on the fl ange. Note that this is the return piping
and the fl ow arrow on the circulator should point
down Ð. Fasten circulator with 7/16” - 14 x 1½"
long cap screws and 7/16" - 14 nuts.
e. Fasten the second circulator fl ange and gasket to
the circulator.
6. Install relief valve, as shown in Figure 1A, 1B, and
1C, onto ¾” NPT x 8” nipple previously installed in
Paragraph H, No. 2, step b. Tighten with wrench.
Pipe discharge as shown in Figures 13A, 13B
and 13C. Installation of the relief valve must be
consistent with ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section IV.
7. On units without a heater opening, install the well
into the ¾” NPT tapping "A" located on the front of
the boiler in the upper left corner. See Figures 1A
and 5. Tighten the well and insert the control’s bulb
into the well. Secure control to well with set screw.
8. On units with a heater opening, install the well in
the ½" NPT or ¾” NPT tapping on the tankless
heater plate or cover plate. See Figures 1B, 1C and
5. Tighten the well and insert the control’s bulb into
the well. Secure control to well with set screw.
9. Connect Field Wiring.
a. Water boilers without tankless heater and with
front tankless heater. Connect the fi eld wiring
from the circulator to the aquastat control and
from the control to the burner disconnect J-box
or directly to the burner J-box. Make the wiring
connections as shown on Figures 22, 23A and
b. Water boilers with rear tankless heater. Connect
the fi eld wiring from a standard junction box
or burner disconnect J-box to the circulator,
aquastat control and burner. Make the wiring
connections as shown on Figure 23B.
• Do not remove (cut) "T-T" jumper on R7184P
Primary Control for application 9a or 9b
c. Refer to Paragraph S for details on use of burner
disconnect junction box provided with all
knockdown boiler builds.
Follow instructions in Paragraph N, Steps 1 through 7.
Steam Boilers Only (see Figures 1D and 5).
8. Connect Field Wiring
a. Steam Boiler with Hydrolevel CG450 LWCO,
Carlin Burner.
Connect the fi eld wiring to the pressure limit, the
LWCO, R8239C Control Center and the burner
disconnect J-box or directly to burner J-box on
burners less disconnect harness (power cord).
If equipped with tankless heater, connect fi eld
wiring from the aquastat control to the R8239C
Control Center’s “R-G” terminals. Make the
wiring connections as shown in Figure 19A.
b. Steam Boiler with McDonnell & Miller
PS-801 or McDonnell & Miller 67 LWCO,
Carlin Burner.
Connect the fi eld wiring to the LWCO, the
pressure limit and the burner disconnect J-box.
If equipped with tankless heater, connect fi eld
wiring from the aquastat control to the oil burner
primary control’s “T-T” Terminals. Make the
wiring connections as shown in Figures 20A, and
c. Refer to Paragraph S for details on use of burner
disconnect junction box provided with all
knockdown boiler builds.
Water boilers Only (see Figures 1A, 1B, 1C and 5).
Follow instructions in Paragraph O, Steps 1 through 7
9. Connect Field Wiring
a. Water boilers without tankless heater and with
front tankless heater. Connect the fi eld wiring
from the circulator to the aquastat control and
from the control to the burner disconnect J-box
or directly to oil burner primary control on
burners less disconnect harness (power cord).
Make the wiring connections as shown on
Figures 22A and 23B .
b. Water boilers with rear tankless heater. Connect
the fi eld wiring from a standard junction box
or burner disconnect J-box to the circulator,
aquastat control and burner. Make the wiring
connections as shown on Figure 23E.
c. Refer to Paragraph S for details on use of burner
disconnect junction box provided with all
knockdown boiler builds.