*Motor drive range: 1300 to 1685 rpm. All other rpms require field-supplied
See page 103 for general fan performance notes.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.90.
*Motor drive range: 1119 to 1585 rpm. All other rpms require field-supplied
See page 103 for general fan performance notes.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.40.
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1500 800 0.39 350 904 0.49 438 999 0.60 535 1087 0.72 640 1169 0.85 753
1600 839 0.46 412 938 0.57 505 1030 0.68 605 1115 0.80 714 1195 0.93 829
1700 879 0.54 483 974 0.65 580 1062 0.77 684 1144 0.90 796 1221 1.03 914
1800 919 0.63 561 1010 0.75 663 1095 0.87 771 1174 1.00 886 1250 1.14 1008
1900 960 0.73 648 1047 0.85 754 1129 0.98 867 1206 1.11 986 1279 1.25 1111
2000 1001 0.84 744 1085 0.96 855 1163 1.09 972 1238 1.23 1095 1309 1.38 1224
2100 1043 0.96 850 1123 1.09 965 1199 1.22 1086 1271 1.37 1213 1340 1.52 1346
2200 1085 1.09 966 1162 1.22 1086 1235 1.36 1211 13051.51134213721.671479
2300 1127 1.23 1092 1201 1.37 1217 1272 1.52 1347 13401.67148214051.831623
2400 1169 1.38 1229 1241 1.53 1359 1310 1.68 1493 1375 1.84 1633 1439 2.00 1778
2500 1212 1.55 1378 1281 1.70 1513 1348 1.86 1652 1412 2.02 1796 1473 2.19 1945
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1500 1247 0.98 873 1320 1.13 1002 1390 1.28 1137 1457 1.44 1280 1522 1.61 1430
1600 1270 1.07 952 1342 1.22 1083 1411 1.37 1221 1476 1.54 1365 1540 1.71 1517
1700 1295 1.17 1040 1365 1.32 1173 1432 1.48 1313 1497 1.64 1459 1559 1.82 1612
1800 1321 1.28 1137 1390 1.43 1273 1455 1.59 1415 1518 1.76 1563 1579 1.93 1718
1900 1348 1.40 1243 1415 1.56 1381 1479 1.72 1526 1541 1.89 1677 1601 2.06 1834
2000 1377 1.53 1359 1442 1.69 1500 1505 1.86 1648 1565 2.03 1801 1624 2.21 1961
2100 1406 1.67 1485 1470 1.83 1629 1531 2.00 1780 1591 2.18 1936 1648 2.36 2098
2200 1437 1.83 1621 1499 1.99 1769 1559 2.16 1923 1617 2.34 2082 1673 2.53 2246
2300 1468 1.99 1769 1529 2.16 1920 1587 2.34 2077 1644 2.52 2239 1699 2.71 2406
2400 1500 2.17 1928 1559 2.35 2083 1616 2.53 2243 1672 2.71 2408 1726 2.90 2579
2500 15332.36209815912.54225716472.732421——————
Bhp — Brake Horsepower
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 913 0.64 569 1010 0.80 715 1098 0.98 869 11781.16103212521.351203
1900 952 0.73 652 1046 0.91 805 1131 1.09 965 1210 1.28 1134 1282 1.48 1311
2000 992 0.84 744 1083 1.02 903 1166 1.21 1070 1242 1.40 1245 1313 1.61 1427
2100 1032 0.95 844 1120 1.14 1010 1200 1.33 1184 1275 1.54 1365 1345 1.75 1553
2200 1073 1.07 954 1158 1.27 1127 1236 1.47 1307 1308 1.68 1495 1377 1.90 1689
2300 1114 1.21 1074 1196 1.41 1254 1272 1.62 1440 1343 1.84 1634 1409 2.07 1834
2400 1155 1.36 1204 1234 1.57 1391 1308 1.78 1584 1377 2.01 1784 1443 2.24 1990
2500 1196 1.51 1345 1273 1.73 1538 1345 1.96 1738 1412 2.19 1945 — — —
2600 1238 1.69 1497 1312 1.91 1697 1382 2.14 1904 1448 2.38 2117 — — —
2700 12801.87166013522.10186714202.342081——————
2800 13222.07183513922.312050—————————
2900 13642.282023————————————
3000 ———————————————
581B072 (6 TONS) — STANDARD MOTOR (BELT DRIVE)* (cont)
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 1322 1.56 1382 1388 1.77 1568 1451 1.98 1762 1510 2.21 1962
1900 1351 1.68 1495 1416 1.90 1686 1477 2.12 1885 1536 2.35 2090 — — —
2000 13801.82161714442.04181415052.272017——————
2100 14111.97174814732.201950—————————
2200 14412.13189015032.362097—————————
2300 14732.302041————————————
2400 ———————————————
2500 ———————————————
2600 ———————————————
2700 ———————————————
2800 ———————————————
2900 ———————————————
3000 ———————————————
Bhp — Brake Horsepower
Watts — Input Watts to Motor