The sequence below describes the sequence of operation
for an electrom echanical unit with and without a factory
installed E conoMi$er IV (called “economizer” in this
sequence ). For information regarding a direct digital
controller, see the start--up, operations, and
troubleshooting manual for the applicable controller.
Electromechanical units with n o economizer
Cooling —
When the thermostat calls for cooling, terminals G and Y1
are energized. As a result, the indoor fan contactor (IFC)
and the compressor contactor (C1) are energized, causing
the indoor fan motor (IFM), compressor #1, and outdoor
fan to start. If the unit ha s 2 stages of cooling, the
thermostat will additionally energize Y2. The Y2 signal
will energize compressor contactor #2 (C2), causing
compressor #2 to start. Regardless of the number of
stages, the outdoor fan motor runs continuously while unit
is cooling.
NOTE: Legacy Line (580J) units have either 1 or 2
stages of gas heat.
When the thermostat calls for heating, power is sent to W
on the Integrated Gas Controller (IGC) board. An LED
(light--emitting diode) on the IGC board turns on and
remains on during normal operation. A check is made to
ensure that the rollout switch and limit switch are closed.
If the check was succ essful, the induced--draft motor is
energized, and when its speed is satisfactory, as proven by
the “hall effect” sensor, the ignition activation period
begins. The burners wil l ignite within 5 seconds. If the
burners do not light, there is a 22--second delay before
anothe r 5--second attempt. This sequence is repeated for
15 minutes or until the burners light. If, after the 15
minutes, the burners still have not lit, heating is locked
out. To reset the control, break 24--v power to the
When ignition occurs, the IGC board will continue to
monitor the condition of the rollout switch, the limit
switches, the “hall effect” sensor, as well as the flame
sensor. 45 seconds after ignition occurs, assuming the unit
is controlled through a room thermostat set for fan auto,
the indoor fan motor will energize (and the outdoor air
dampers will open to their minimum position). If, for
some reason, the over--temperature limit opens prior to the
start of the indoor fan blower, the unit will shorte n the
45--second delay to 5 seconds less than the time from
initiation of heat to when the limit tripped. Gas will not be
interrupted to the burners and heating will continue. Once
the fan--on delay has been modified, it will not change
back to 45 seconds until power is reset to the control.
On units with 2 stages of heat, when additional heat is
required, W2 closes and initiates power to the second
stage of the main gas valve. When the thermostat is
satisfied, W1 and W2 open and the gas valve closes,
interrupting the flow of gas to the main burners.
If the call for W1 lasted less than 1 minute, the heating
cycle will not terminate until 1 minute after W1 became
active. If the unit is controlled through a room thermostat
set for fan auto, the indoor fan motor will continue to
operate for an additional 45 seconds t hen stop. If the
over--temperature limit opens after the indoor motor is
stopped, but within 10 minutes of W1 becoming inactive,
on the next cycle the time will be extended by 15 seconds.
The maxim um delay is 3 minutes. Once modified, the fan
off delay will not change back to 45 seconds unless power
is reset to the control. A LED indicator is provided on the
IGC t o monitor operation.
Electromechanical units with an economizer
Cooling —
When free cooling is not available, the compressors will
be controlled by the zone thermostat. When free cooling is
avai lable, the outdoor air damper is modulated by the
EconoMi$er IV control to provide a 50_F(10_C) to 55_F
(13_C) mixed air temperature into the zone. As the mixed
air temperature fluctuates above 55_F(13_C)or below
50_F(10_C) dampe r s will be modulate d (open or close)
to bring the mixed air temperature back within control. If
mechanical cooling is utilized with free cooling, the
outdoor air damper will maintain its current position at the
time the compressor is started. If the increase in cooling
capacity causes the mixed air temperature to drop below
45_F(7_C), then the outdoor air d amper position will be
decreased to the minimum position. If the mixed air
temperature continues to fall, the out door air damper will
close. Control returns to normal once the mixed air
temperature rises above 48_F(9_C). The power exhaust
fans will be energized and de--energized, if installed, as
the outdoor air damper opens and closes.
If field installed accessory CO
sensors are connect ed to
the EconoMi$er IV control, a demand control led
ventilation strategy will begin to operate. As the CO
leve l in the zone increases above the CO
setpoint, the
minimum position of the damper will be increased
proportionally. As the CO
level decreases because of the
increase i n fresh air, the outdoor air damper will be
proportionally closed. For EconoMi$er IV operation, there
must be a thermostat call for the fan (G). If the unit is
occupied and the fan is on, the damper will operate at
minimum position. Otherwise, the damper will be closed.
When the EconoMi$er IV control is in the occupied mode
and a call for cooling exists (Y1 on the thermostat), the
control will first check for indoor fan operation. If the fan
is not on, then cooling will not be activated. If the fan is
on, then the control will open the EconoMi$er IV damper
to the minimum position.