Embroidery Module/Machine
of America, Inc. Permission to copy granted only to Authorized BERNINA
Baseline Sampler
artista 730E
To create arched lettering, use Letter
Manipulation dialog box.
Use Alice alphabet to input Bernina; OK.
Select Medium Hoop; select Duplicate.
Go to Edit 2. Select Letter Manipulation
symbol; Vertical Baseline; OK. Select
Move Motif ; use Stitch Length (-300)
& Width (+100) knobs to move vertical
Bernina to left.
Retrieve 2nd Bernina. Using default
baseline (Horizontal), move lettering to
Length knob = +100 & Width = +350.
Go to Edit 1; Duplicate. Go to Edit 2;
Select Letter Manipulation; Curved
Baseline ABOVE smallest green circle;
OK. Move Bernina to Stitch Length knob
= +150 and Stitch Width knob = +100.
Go to Edit 1; Duplicate. Go to Edit 2;
select Letter Manipulation. Choose
Curved Baseline BELOW smallest circle.
Position word at Stitch Length knob =
+150 & Width knob = -400. Touch OK.
Embroidery Alphabet
deco 330
Gothic & Script
aurora 430E & 440QEE
Swiss Block, Anniversary, &
King Charles
artista 630E & 640E
Swiss Block
artista 730E
Fabric & Stabilizer
8” x 10” rectangle
deco 330
Select Alphabet tab. Select medium
font size. Program BERNINA; touch
OK. Move word up.
Select Alphabet tab; vertical letter-
ing. Program BERNINA; OK. Move
Select Alphabet tab. Select Script
font. Select Horizontal lettering.
Program Bernina ; touch OK.
Rotate 45
º. Move into position.
Embroider. Return carriage to
stored position. Trim and mount
aurora 430E & 440QEE
Select New; left click Lettering Values.
Place cursor on screen; left click;
vertical cursor appears.
Type aurora; outline appears. Press
Enter; text is filled & selected.
Right click on lettering; Object Proper-
ties box opens with aurora in text box.
Change lettering to Swiss Block;
height = 20mm; OK. While selected,
click arrow in Color Selection box;
select C6; deselect to view changes.
Press A on keyboard; type aurora.
Select Anniversary, H = 24mm;
Clockwise baseline. Follow Status Line
prompts (center, radius, circle or oval);
Enter. Right click for Object Properties;
change Baseline radius to 50º; OK.
Select and change color to C10.
Select A key; type aurora. Select
Vertical baseline; King Charles; H =
14mm; OK. Follow prompts; left click
at top of column. While selected,
change color to C4.
Save As > lettering baselines.
artista 630E & 640E
To create arched lettering, select,
rotate, and place each letter
individually. For greatest accuracy,
use the hoop grid background to
arrance letters.
Use indicated alphabet to input
Bernina; select OK. Place in
upper part of hoop.
Go to Add Motif; select indicated
alphabet. Select B; place to left;
rotate to fit an imaginary circle
template. Go to Add Motif; select e;
place to right of B. Rotate to fit
imaginary circle template.
Continue in this manner, adding
letters to complete Bernina. Select
Retrieve; fine tune letter placement.
Repeat this process to form
additional baselines.