Embroidery Module/Machine
of America, Inc. Permission to copy granted only to Authorized BERNINA
Rotating Designs
deco 330
The deco 330 rotates designs
in clockwise increments of 45º
(1x = 45º, 2x = 90º, 3x = 135º....)
Select indicated motif. Select
Editing tab. Use positioning arrows
or touch screen to move the motif
up and to the right.
Select Pattern selection tab.
Select motif again. Touch Rotate
45º. Move design to right.
Select Pattern selection tab.
Select motif again. Touch Rotate
45º two times. Move design to left
and down.
Embroider. Press carriage return
key after finishing last section to
return carriage to stored position.
Trim sample, then mount it on the
following page.
aurora 430E & 440QEE
Editor Lite software provides quick &
easy rotation by 45º increments, free
rotation by clicking & dragging, and
by specifying degree of rotation in the
Object Projecties box.
Select motif; copy; paste. Right click
to open new design’s Object Proper-
ties > General. Type 22 in Rotation
field; click OK. Move design up and
to the right.
Click Paste; while selected, rotate
design 45º by left clicking Rotate
CCW/CW icon. Move up & to right.
Click Paste; right click to open
Object Properties > General. Type 77
in Rotation field; OK. Move up and to
the right.
Paste again; left click 2x on Rotate
CCW/CW icon. Move up & to right.
Save As rotation exercise. Send to
machine. Stitch, trim, mount.
artista 730E
The artista 730E rotates designs
in clockwise and counterclock-
wise increments of 1º.
Select motif. Select Edit 2. Using
Stitch Length and Width knobs,
move design to upper right
Go to Edit 1. With motif selected,
touch Duplicate. Select Edit 2.
Rotate 22º, then move up &
slightly to right.
Continue to duplicate and rotate
motifs to 45º, 77º, and 90º. Using
Retrieve function, arrange as
shown. Touch OK.
Embroider and trim sample, then
mount it on the following page.
artista 630E & 640E
The artista 630E & 640E rotate
designs in clockwise & counter-
clockwise increments of 1º.
Select motif; it opens in Edit 1.
Select Large Oval hoop. Select
Edit 2; move design to upper right
corner of hoop.
Go to Edit 1 > Add Motif. Select
same motif again. Go to Edit 2;
select Rotation icon; rotate
design 22º. Move motif up and
slightly to the left.
Continue adding motifs, rotating
to 45º, 70º, and 90º. Using the
Retrieve function, arrange as
shown. Touch OK.
Embroider and trim sample, then
mount it on the following page.
Note: Editor Lite software provides
quick and easy rotation – 45°
increments by clicking on Rotate
CCW/CW icon, free rotation by
clicking and dragging, and by a
specific degreesof rotation in the
Object Properties box.
Embroidery Motif
deco 330
#35 - floral border
aurora 430E & 440QEE
My Designs >
artista 630E & 640E
630E: #21 - floral
640E: #27 - floral
artista 730E
#14 - little wild rose
Fabric & Stabilizer
8” x 10” rectangle