RWB 6104 BAFG R02 Page 5
Notice Special Requirements
For recommended installation practice in Canada,
refer to the latest version of CSA Standard B139
& B140.
Concealed damage — If you discover damage to
the burner or controls during unpacking, notify the
carrier at once and fi le the appropriate claim.
When contacting Beckett for service information
— Please record the burner serial number (and
have available when calling or writing). You will
fi nd the serial number on the silver label located
on the left rear of the burner. Refer to Figure 1.
Inspect/Prepare Installation Site
Chimney or vent
Inspect the chimney or vent, making sure it is
properly sized and in good condition for use.
For those installations not requiring a chimney,
such as through-the-wall vented appliances, fol-
low the instructions given by the appliance and
power venter (if used) manufacturers.
Figure 1. Burner label location
Combustion air supply
See NFPA 31 Standard for complete details.
Appliance located in confi ned space
The confi ned space should have two (2) permanent
openings: one near the top of the enclosure and
one near the bottom of the enclosure. Each open-
ing shall have a free area of not less than (1) one
square inch per 1,000 BTU’s per hour of the total
input rating of all appliances within the enclosure.
The openings shall have free access to the build-
ing interior, which should have adequate infi ltration
from the outside.
Exhaust fans and other air-using devices
Size air openings large enough to allow for all air-
using devices in addition to the minimum area re-
quired for combustion air. If there is any possibility
of the equipment room developing negative pres-
sure (because of exhaust fans or clothes dryers, for
example), either pipe combustion air directly to the
burner or provide a sealed enclosure for the burner
and supply it with its own combustion air supply.
Direct air supply and sidewall venting
Some AFG burners are equipped with combus-
tion air boots to allow use of outside air for com-
When sidewall venting appliances, carefully fol-
low appliance and power venter instructions for
installation and wiring.
The burner cannot properly burn the fuel if it is not
supplied with a reliable combustion air source.
Follow the guidelines in the latest editions of the
NFPA 31 and CSA-B139 regarding providing ad-
equate air for combustion and ventilation.
Failure to provide adequate air supply could se-
riously affect the burner performance and result
in damage to the equipment, asphyxiation, ex-
plosion or fi re hazards.
Adequate Combustion
and Ventilation Air Supply
Do not attempt to install outside air piping to the
burner without using the outside air kit and in-
Failure to comply could result in impaired com-
bustion, appliance soot-up, puffback of smoke,
and fi re or asphyxiation hazards.
Follow the Outside Air Kit
Instructions Exactly